

Motivated by helping victims and survivors to re-build their lives, Nest of Hope provides comprehensive support and resources.

Motivated by helping victims and survivors to re-build their lives, Nest of Hope provides comprehensive support and resources. This initiative is established by ASB Georgia and its partner or


5 Reasons Why Women Should Join Self-defense Intense Introduction Training (IIT) Course

ASB Georgia offers a free 5-hour self-defense Intense Introduction Training (IIT) course for Ukrainian and Georgian women and children. The course is designed to make participants more aware,


A stakeholder meeting was held in Batumi

The meeting was implemented as part of the SEGI project—"Sports, Education, Gender, and Information" together with our partner organization SSK. The SEGI project, funded by Aktion Deutschland



During the visit, we presented our projects, mainly initiatives supporting Ukrainians living in Georgia. The main donor for this project is the German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO).


Nest of Hope - The center offers a supportive environment to GBV or DV survivors from Ukraine

If you're from Ukraine and have experienced gender-based violence (GBV) or domestic violence (DV), call us via Hotline 522 221 112


At ASB, we remain committed to supporting vulnerable communities from Nagorno-Karabakh.

Our representatives, Mr. Bernd Ilg from ASB Germany and Country Director of ASB in Georgia and Armenia, Mr. Clemens Von Heimendahl, recently visited individuals involved in the project “Cash


ASB Georgia is seeking qualified individuals or companies from Georgian to provide PR and Communications consultancy

ASB Georgia is seeking qualified individuals or companies from Georgian to provide PR and Communications consultancy within the project “Sports, Education, Gender and Information (SEGI)” fund


Family Day - Meet Diana, a mother of three children.

“It was very targeted assistance from ASB; we received this aid in our first months when we arrived here. With the support of ASB, we bought food and essential items,”


ASB Georgia joined the Europe Day celebrations

The event was attended by the Country Director of ASB Georgia, Clemens Von Heymendahl.


EMT training concluded in Armenia

EMT members underwent training according to international standards. The intensive course lasted for 15 days.